Vaimse tervise probleemid on vallandatud ja suures osas põhjustatud hariduse puudusest

2018 avaldas maailma üks mainekamaid teaduskirjastusi Routledge kogumiku “Personal Sustainability”, kuhu toimetajad kutsusid panustama oma valdkonna pioneere üle kogu maailma. Interdistsiplinaarsust ja valdkonnaülesust silmas pidades kaasati uudse lähenemise poolest silma jäänud spetsialiste nii akadeemilisest kui ka empiirilisest distsipliinist.

Kaas-autorina kutsuti inimese jätkusuutlikkuse teemal kirjutama ka mind. Olen alates esinemisest 2015 Eesti Arstide Päevadel (Nordea kontserdimajas) rääkinud, et vaimne tervis vajab revolutsiooni – vastasel juhul on meil eluea pikenemise tingimustes peagi tegemist füüsiliselt terve, kuid vaimselt halvatud inimkonnaga. See pole kuigi jätkusuutlik ega esinda elu, mis on väärt elamist. Aga – kogu see stsenaarium võiks hoopis teistsugune olla.


“The author wishes to emphasize that 1) none of the existing interventions in psychology has been designed for proactive education and therefore cater to the needs of therapy; 2) none of the existing models are constructed with placing the True Self into the center and do not explore how and under what conditions does the Self exercise command over the internal functions; 3) none of the existing modalities in evidence-based psychotherapy has provided education towards re-establishing the human’s most natural state – True Self – and provided methods to systematically discontinue the disturbing automatic reactions that people have started to consider “normal.”


“The intra-personal functions can be classified into three meta-types: emotional functions, mental-cognitive functions, and awareness-related functions. Every individual is not only potentially capable but indeed requested to direct these functions if we aspire to live harmonious lives and build sustainable societies. The Self, as described later, lies outside of these functions and should be attributed as their chief conductor.”


“A closer look into the current findings from neuropsychopharmacology reveals that despite the ruling monoamine theory of depression and anxiety disorders, the imbalance in monoamines is not the primary aetiological factor, but most likely a secondary one. And while, according to Dr Stephen Stahl, over-activation of circuits, expressed as sustained psychiatric symptoms, may over time lead to the loss of synapses, dendrites and neurons (2008: 230) contributing to brain damage caused by sustained emotional-mental symptoms, we might ask what activates the dysfunctional circuits in the first place? The author has observed that intra-personal events in the form of automatic emotional-mental reactions are always triggered while differing in their content from person to person. These automatic internal reactions are the bridging agents that translate the environmental stimuli into activation of neural circuits and changes in the neurochemistry of the brain.”


“As long as there is no emphasis and education about discontinuing the automatic emotional-mental complexes, the frequency and involuntary eruption of emotions will not be resolved in any fundamentally different way. Progress in prevention and cure of psychiatric diseases will also remain questionable since the automatic activation of disabling emotions is one of the core elements for most of them. Only when automatic complexes are discontinued, can natural wellbeing occur.”


“A radically new perspective that transcends our modern understanding about genetics, somatic functioning of the brain and current theories in psychology is needed to introduce a fundamental change in intra-personal topics. This can open up a different avenue for intra-personal wellness and education beyond the concept of therapy or disease.”

Kogumik “Personal Sustainability” on saadaval suuremates akadeemilistes raamatukogudes ning kirjastaja Routledge Press veebilehel nii kõva- ja pehmekaanelisena kui ka e-raamatuna:

Seoste loomine TMK meetodil teadvuse omaduste aktiivsest rakendamisest ning senise teaduse, psühholoogia ja meditsiini vahel jätkub…